In 2011£¬ the domestic economy in China has evolved into a new development mode and period£¬ which include assurance of improvement in people's livelihood£¬ adjustment of economic structure and enhancement of the quality of development¡£ The economic situation in China and abroad has become more complicated¡£
On one hand£¬ the Group will focus on domestic and international opportunities in infrastructure market£» strengthen production management and further work towards "internationalization"£¬ ensuring continuous steady growth of its infrastructure business¡£
On the other hand£¬ the Group will accelerate its steps on corporate transformation£¬ that is£¬ moving focus from scale-expansion to quality and efficiency£¬ promote self-innovation£¬ speed up structural adjustment£¬ strengthen internal control£¬ proactive implementation of talent strategy£¬ procure all-round coordination in achieving sustainable development¡£